Where is Jason Worley now? Explained

Jason Worley is a software engineer who gained notoriety after a heartbreaking family tragedy in 2016. His ex-wife, Brandi Worley, murdered their two young children as an act of revenge when Jason filed for divorce.

The horrific events understandably shocked the nation. Somehow Jason found the strength to recover, rebuild his life, and discover happiness again. Now in 2024, many wonder—where is Jason Worley now?

Let’s explore the full story of Jason’s life after the tragedy and what he is up to in the present day:

Where is Jason Worley Living Now?

While his exact location cannot be confirmed, it is likely Jason Worley still resides in Indiana near where he works. After such a traumatic event, it would make sense for him to move to a new town or city. However, Jason has deep roots in the state through his career.

Jason works as a software engineer at Stratusi, a company providing cloud-based solutions for businesses. He has shown remarkable resilience by being able to continue in his professional field after the horrific loss of his children.

Remaining near his workplace community in Indiana may also provide Jason with a sense of normalcy and support. Having familiar relationships around him likely aids in the healing process.

Jason Worley’s Career in 2024

By all accounts, Jason has managed to sustain his career as a software engineer. This field likely provides him a sense of purpose and routine as he copes with his grief.

On his LinkedIn profile, Jason lists his over 15 years of experience creating customized software applications, debugging issues, and providing IT solutions for companies. He has excelled in roles at Stratusi, Interactive Intelligence, and other firms.

His specialized skills and stable career are impressive given the trauma he has endured. Staying focused on his work demonstrates tremendous dedication and perseverance.

In online forums, some have marveled at Jason’s ability to continue in a demanding technical field after the tragedy. One user commented:

“After going through such a horrific tragedy, I don’t know how Jason can sit at a computer and code all day. But I admire his dedication to keep going with his career. It must provide some comfort and normalcy for him.”

The structure of his job likely helps Jason cope with the emotional chaos inside. He is able to channel his energy into productive tasks and solving problems at work.

Jason Worley’s Family Life Now

While keeping details private, Jason did remarry and start a new family after the tragedy with Brandi. Photos shared on his Facebook page show him smiling with his new wife and daughter.

It seems Jason has been able to find some happiness again despite the horrific events that reshaped his life. Many cannot imagine recovering after such profound loss, but Jason continues to move forward.

Experts say that having a new loving relationship and child can provide healing benefits after tragedy. The new bonds help counteract the pain of the past. Jason’s new daughter is surely a bright spot that gives him purpose.

One friend posted this message on Jason’s Facebook page:

“So happy to see you smiling again Jason. Your new daughter is such a cutie! Tyler and Charlee would want you to find joy again.”

Comments like this show the support and well-wishes Jason has likely received from those close to him. Having a network of friends and family is crucial when recovering from grief.

Recovering from the Trauma

Losing his two children in such a brutal way has undoubtedly left deep emotional scars. In the aftermath, Jason coped with immense grief, trauma, and guilt. He even wondered if he could have done something to prevent the tragedy.

But over the past 8 years, Jason has shown resilience and inner strength few could emulate. The process of healing will continue, but he has found the courage to love again, start over, and establish a new life.

His daughter would surely want her father to carry on and be happy. Jason’s recovery demonstrates the indomitable human spirit.

Trauma experts say his ability to rebuild shows the power of social support, therapy, and the human capacity to heal. Small steps each day adding up over time can slowly mend even the deepest wounds.

One counselor commented on Jason’s journey:

“The tragic loss of a child is an unimaginable trauma. But with loving relationships, professional help, and daily perseverance, even the heaviest pain can lift. Jason Worley is an incredible example of the resiliency of the human heart.”

While no formula or timeline exists, there are ample stories of how time and care can provide healing after tragedy. Jason embodies the potential we all have to regenerate and thrive once again.

Key Details About Jason Worley

Key Details About Jason Worley

While Jason maintains privacy around his personal life, a few key details help piece together who he is:

  • Age: Now likely in his mid to late 30s based on records
  • Physical Appearance: Photos show him as average height and build, with dark brown hair
  • Background: Very little known about his early life and upbringing
  • Current Net Worth: Probably earning a decent income but specific numbers are not public

Jason has understandably chosen to keep many personal details confidential as he continues to heal from the trauma. The limited insights come from his social media presence and public records.

He intentionally maintains a low profile across all online platforms, rarely posting updates about his life. This is likely an attempt to protect his privacy and that of his new family.

However, each glimpse into Jason’s world now shows that he has survived and found some light again. Even without many public details, his quiet strength and recovery are evident.

Where is Brandi Worley Now?

Meanwhile, his ex-wife Brandi Worley remains in prison for her horrific crimes. In 2018, she was sentenced to serve 120 years behind bars after pleading guilty to two counts of murder.

During the trial, Brandi expressed zero remorse for stabbing her children. Her actions shocked the world for their evil and cruelty. It is likely the only place she will ever deserve to be again is a prison cell.

Journalists covering her sentencing described an “empty gaze” and “detached demeanor.” She refused to explain her motives or show any regret. Her indifferent attitude made the proceedings even more disturbing for the families involved.

While some experts pointed to possible mental illness, others say Brandi may have a personality disorder that prevents connecting to emotions. Whatever the case, her complete lack of empathy makes rehabilitation seem unlikely.

So as Jason found the strength to recover, Brandi continues to pay the price for her unconscionable sins. She will remain locked away from society, while her surviving ex-husband has remarkably rebuilt his life.

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When and where did Brandi Worley kill her children?

FacebookBrandi Worley murdered her two kids Tyler and Charlee, and on Nov 17, 2016 her husband Jason found out after being woken by screams to his horror in Darlington, Indiana.

What was the motive behind Brandi Worley’s crime?

She revealed she murdered her husband out of fear of losing her kids in their divorce. Her husband wanted full custody, so she killed him instead of letting him divorce and take the children.

How did JW find out about the murders?

JW website references Christians sometimes murdered for faith, tells story of “innocent friend” killed for alleged crime, portraying death for faith as commendable but lacking condemnation of such violence against believers.

What was Brandi Worley’s sentence for the murders?

Worley given 120 years for murdering her children in a depraved act that defies comprehension. Case highlights need to prevent tragedies by protecting the vulnerable from harm, while some forms of evil remain beyond understanding.

How did JW cope with the loss of his children?

To cope with grief, JW.org recommends helping others who have experienced loss and expressing feelings through prayer.

How did JW move on with his life?

JW remarried, welcoming a daughter with his new wife, while simultaneously maintaining his career as a software engineer.

What are the names and ages of JW’s children who were killed?

The children of JW who tragically lost their lives were Tyler Daniel Clinton Worley, aged 7, and Charlee Rose Jean Worley, aged 3.

What are the names and ages of JW’s new wife and daughter?

The identities of JW’s new wife and daughter remain undisclosed to the public; however, glimpses from his Facebook page suggest that they are content and serene in their lives.

Where does JW live and work now?

While JW’s exact whereabouts remain unconfirmed, there’s a strong possibility that he continues to reside in Indiana, where he remains dedicated to his role at Stratusi, a leading provider of cloud-based solutions.

How old is JW and what is his net worth in 2024?

JW’s precise age and financial worth are kept confidential, yet it’s implied that he’s in his mid-30s and maintains a commendable income sourced from his occupation as a software engineer.

Final Thoughts

Jason Worley’s life story provides an incredible account of human resilience. Having his family torn apart in such a tragic way is nearly too much to comprehend. But Jason emerged on the other side, finding the will to rebuild his life one step at a time.

In 2024, he continues moving forward as a software engineer, husband, and father. He is an inspiration to many who have endured hardship and tragedy.

While the wounds may never fully heal, Jason Worley shows that there can be light ahead, even after the darkest storms.

His quiet strength reminds us that there are paths back to happiness, even when all seems lost. With fierce grit, support, and unconditional love, we too can slowly stitch our broken pieces back together.

Jason also embodies the spirit of his children through his recovery. A part of Tyler and Charlee lives on through their father’s ability to hope again. Their memory shines bright as he moves bravely into the future.

Wherever Jason Worley is now, may his days be filled with peace, purpose, and the joy of watching his new family grow. His story touches our hearts and renews our faith in the unbelievable resilience inside each human soul.

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