Orangetheory Everest Workout: Template and Tips – OTF Workout Today

Are you ready to conquer virtual peaks and elevate your fitness game? The Orangetheory Everest Workout is a thrilling challenge that simulates the intense experience of mountain climbing, all within the confines of the studio.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll unravel the secrets to acing this epic workout, providing you with invaluable templates, tips, and strategies to help you reach new heights.

The Two Epic Formats: Orangetheory Everest 2G vs 3G

The Two Epic Formats: Orangetheory Everest 2G vs 3G

The Orangetheory Everest Workout comes in two distinct formats, each offering a unique and exhilarating experience. Let’s dive into the details:

1. Orangetheory Everest 2G

This 23-minute treadmill trek will transport you to the base camp of the world’s highest mountain. The journey begins with a gentle 2% incline, gradually increasing by 1% every minute until you reach the pinnacle of a breathtaking 15% gradient.

Once you’ve conquered the summit, the descent commences, with the incline decreasing by 1% each minute, culminating in an electrifying 1% decline sprint to the finish line.

2. Orangetheory Everest 3G

Brace yourself for a compressed, high-intensity version of the Everest challenge. In just 14 minutes, you’ll ascend rapidly, with the incline escalating by a daring 2% every 60 seconds.

This whirlwind climb will propel you to a grueling 12% slope before making the final push to the 15% peak. The descent is equally intense, with the incline decreasing by 2% each minute until you reach a manageable 1% gradient.

While the 2G format offers a more gradual ascent, the 3G variant demands unwavering endurance and mental toughness. Whichever path you choose, get ready to conquer new heights and push your limits like never before.

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Achievable Distance Goals to Strive For

One of the most exciting aspects of the Orangetheory Everest Workout is the opportunity to set and achieve distance goals tailored to your fitness level and equipment preferences. Here are the benchmarks to aim for:

Orangetheory Everest 2G Goals:

  • Power Walkers: 1.4+ miles
  • Joggers: 1.75+ miles
  • Runners: 2.0+ miles
  • Bike Fanatics: 7.0+ miles
  • Strider Enthusiasts: 5.3+ miles

Orangetheory Everest 3G Goals:

  • Power Walkers: 0.84+ miles
  • Joggers: 1.05+ miles
  • Runners: 1.2+ miles
  • Cyclists: 4.2+ miles
  • Strider Aficionados: 3.18+ miles

Don’t just set your sights on these goals – aim to surpass them! Remember, every achievement is a stepping stone towards greater fitness and personal growth.

“The Orangetheory Everest Workout is a true test of endurance and determination. When I first attempted it, I doubted my abilities, but the sense of accomplishment after reaching my distance goal was unparalleled. It’s a milestone I’ll never forget.” Emily, Orangetheory Member

When to Expect the Everest Challenge

The Orangetheory Everest Workout graces the studio calendar approximately three times per year, offering members a quarterly opportunity to push their boundaries.

However, the scheduling can vary regionally, so it’s essential to keep an eye out for announcements and sign up early, as these classes tend to fill up quickly due to their immense popularity.

Everest 2G and 3G Workout Templates Exposed

To help you visualize and prepare for the challenges ahead, we’ve obtained the official Orangetheory Everest 2G and 3G workout templates. Let’s break them down:

Orangetheory Everest 2G Template

Treadmill Block: 23 min

1 min starting at 2% incline basecamp foothills 1 min at 3% 1 min at 4% 1 min at 5% now we enter the mountain 1 min at 6% 1 min at 7% 1 min at 8% 1 min at 9% 1 min at 10% as we begin to see the snowcapped peaks 1 min at 11% 1 min at 12% 1 min at 13% 1 min at 14% 1 min at 15% we have arrived at the peak 1 min at 14% 1 min at 12% 1 min at 10% 1 min at 8% 1 min at 6% 1 min at 4% 1 min at 2% 1 min flat road 1 min all out

Floor Block 1: 11 min

  • 1 min strength row at 22-24 spm
  • Bench plank row: 6-10 reps
  • Bench seated tricep extension: 6-10 reps
  • Alternating deadbug: 12 reps

Floor Block 2: 12 min

  • 1 min strength row at 22-24 spm
  • Bench seated concentration curl: 6-10 reps
  • Bench seated hammer curls: 6-10 reps
  • Ab bicycle crunch: 12 reps

Orangetheory Everest 3G Template

Tread: 14 minutes

1 min @ 2% 1 min @ 4% 1 min @ 6% 1 min @ 8% 1 min @ 10% 1 min @ 12% 1 min @ 15% 1 min @ 13% 1 min @ 11% 1 min @ 9% 1 min @ 7% 1 min @ 5% 1 min @ 3% 1 min All Out

Rower: 14 minutes

  • 500 m push row
  • 12 each (24 total) – MB reverse lunge with bent arm torso rotation
  • Repeat for 5 rounds, going down 100 m each round
  • Row until 1 min AO row finisher

Floor: 14 minutes

2 rounds: – 6-10 each x high plank single arm low row – 6-10 x seated overhead tricep extension – 12 total x alternating deadbug with press 2 rounds: – 6-10 each x single arm concentration curl – 6-10 x seated hammer curl – 12 total x bicycle crunch Repeat all exercises as one block until finisher Finisher: 1 min bicycle crunch

These templates provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges that lie ahead, allowing you to mentally and physically prepare for the intensity of the Orangetheory Everest Workout.

Unstoppable Strategies for Climbing Everest

Conquering the Orangetheory Everest Workout requires more than just physical endurance; it demands strategic planning and execution.

Here are some invaluable strategies and tips to help you navigate the ascent and descent like a seasoned mountaineer:

Pacing Strategy

Start the workout at your regular base pace, but be prepared to adjust as the incline intensifies. A general rule of thumb is to reduce your speed by approximately 0.2 mph for each 1% increase in incline.

This gradual pace adjustment will help conserve energy and maintain a steady effort throughout the climb.

Form Focus

Maintaining proper form is crucial during the Orangetheory Everest Workout. Keep your spine aligned and avoid hunching, especially on the lower inclines. Engage your core and use a fluid arm swing from elbow to hip to maintain rhythm and propel yourself forward.

As the gradient increases, you may need to lean slightly into the incline, using your arms to generate additional power.

Stride Regulation

Pay close attention to where your feet land during the workout.

Aim to keep your feet beneath your center of gravity to prevent overstriding, which can lead to injury and inefficiency, especially when transitioning from climbing to descending.

Adjusting Effort

If you’re new to the Everest challenge or unsure of your ability to maintain a consistent run, consider alternating between jogging and power walking. This approach allows for recovery without stopping completely.

Tracking Progress

One of the most motivating aspects of the Orangetheory Everest Workout is the ability to track and improve upon your distance goals. Your achievement will be logged, serving as a personal benchmark for future Everest challenges.

Strive to surpass your previous distance with each new attempt, fueling your determination to reach new heights.

Body Awareness

Listen to the cues your body provides throughout the workout. Run when you’re feeling strong, and don’t hesitate to switch to a power walk if you need to catch your breath.

It’s all about finding the right balance between pushing your limits and ensuring you can complete the challenge without compromising your form or safety.

Conquering the Peak

As you approach the highest inclines, your resolve will be tested. Remember, the ascent to the peak is the toughest part of the journey.

Once you’ve triumphed over the 15% summit, the descent will feel comparatively easier, and you may find yourself sprinting at a faster pace than expected as the incline decreases.

“The Orangetheory Everest Workout is like scaling an actual mountain – it demands unwavering determination and mental fortitude. But the sense of accomplishment that comes with reaching the summit is unparalleled, and the descent is a well-deserved reward for your efforts.” – Sarah, Orangetheory Coach


To address some of the common queries surrounding the Orangetheory Everest Workout, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions:

What is the Everest workout at OTF?

The Everest workout is a signature Orangetheory Fitness challenge that simulates the experience of climbing a mountain by progressively increasing the incline on the treadmill, eventually reaching a peak of 15% before descending.

Is it OK to go to OTF every day?

While Orangetheory workouts are designed to be intense, it’s generally not recommended to attend classes every day. Your body needs adequate rest and recovery time between sessions. Most experts suggest attending 3-4 times per week for optimal results.

How many times a week should you go to Orangetheory to lose weight?

The ideal frequency for weight loss at Orangetheory varies from individual to individual, but most experts recommend attending 4-5 times per week, combined with a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle habits.

What is Strength 50 like?

Strength 50 is an Orangetheory workout that focuses on strength training, with approximately 50% of the class dedicated to floor exercises and the remaining time divided between the treadmill and rower. It’s designed to build muscle and improve overall strength.


The Orangetheory Everest Workout is more than just a physical challenge; it’s a testament to your mental fortitude and determination. By mastering the strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be equipped to conquer virtual peaks and elevate your fitness journey to new heights.

Remember, the sense of accomplishment that comes with reaching the summit is unparalleled, and the journey itself is a rewarding venture that will push you to unlock your full potential. So, gear up, embrace the ascent, and let the Orangetheory Everest Workout be the catalyst that propels you towards unprecedented levels of physical prowess and personal growth.

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